guava fruit and juice benefits

Guava Juice Nutrition Facts – 10 Health Benefits of Guava Fruit

Think of glowing skin, happy hearts, and energy bursts in one tiny green package. That pretty much summarizes the benefits of guava. Guava contains nutrients required for a balanced diet. Keep reading because we have discussed guava juice nutrition facts and the health benefits of guava fruit and leaves in detail.

Guava Nutrition Chart

Guavas are a good source of nutrients, including vitamins E, B6, B5, magnesium, and phosphorus. The exact nutrient content of guavas can vary depending on the variety, ripeness, and growing conditions. The following chart is based on raw guavas. The nutrient content of cooked or processed guavas may be different.

NutrientAmount per 100g (3.5 oz)
Saturated Fat0.3g
Monounsaturated Fat0.1g
Polyunsaturated Fat0.1g
Vitamin C228.3mg
Vitamin A624 IU
Vitamin K113 mcg
Folate91 mcg
Copper0.04 mg
Guava Nutrition Facts
guava nutrition chart
Nutritional Facts Of Guava

Health Benefits of Guava Fruit

Guava fruit offers a lot of health benefits, including managing your weight, helping against diabetes, boosting your immunity, improving your heart health, and sharpening your vision. Here are some detailed benefits of eating guava daily:

Guava benefits for weight loss

If you are on your weight-loss journey, guava can help you with managing your weight. It is packed with fiber and nutrients that keep you feeling satisfied and energized.

First off, guavas aid in calorie control. A single serving offers only 68 calories, yet contains nearly 5 grams of hunger-taming fiber. This duo keeps cravings at bay and prevents unnecessary snacking. Plus, they have a low glycemic index which means they release sugar slowly, preventing energy crashes and keeping you fueled throughout the day.

But guavas’ benefits go beyond just calorie counting. They’re full of essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, potassium, and folate, which not only support overall health but also play a role in regulating metabolism and boosting your energy. 

Guava benefits for the stomach

Guava offers immense benefits for your digestive health. One guava contains nearly 5 grams of dietary fiber, acting like a gentle broom for your gut, sweeping away waste and keeping things moving smoothly. Feeling bloated after a meal? Guava’s low glycemic index stabilizes blood sugar levels, preventing uncomfortable spikes that can lead to unwanted puffiness.

Upset stomach? Guava leaf extract has antimicrobial properties that combat harmful bacteria, effectively reducing the duration and severity of diarrhea. 

Guavas are also packed with prebiotics. These types of fiber feed the good bacteria, promoting a healthy balance and enhancing digestion. 

Guava leaves benefits for skin

Whether you’re battling blemishes, seeking to soothe irritation, or chasing a youthful radiance, guava leaves might just be the natural remedy you’ve been searching for.

Guava leaves are brimming with powerful antioxidants. They combat free radicals, the molecules that damage skin cells and accelerate aging. This means brighter, firmer skin and a noticeable reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

If pimples are your nemesis, guava leaves can help with reducing them. Their anti-inflammatory properties help calm down irritated skin and reduce redness and swelling. Plus, their natural constricting qualities help keep pores clean and free from blockage, preventing future breakouts.

Sun damage can leave skin looking dull and uneven. Guava leaves, rich in vitamin C, a natural collagen booster, can help repair sun-damaged skin and restore its natural elasticity and glow. Plus, their anti-inflammatory properties can soothe sunburns and irritation.

Guava leaves offer a gentle, natural way to exfoliate and brighten your skin. Crushed leaves can be used as a scrub to remove dead skin cells, revealing a fresh, radiant complexion. This also helps unclog pores and prevent breakouts.

The beauty of guava leaves lies in their versatility. You can brew them into a soothing tea for topical application, use them as a base for a homemade face mask, or even incorporate them into your bathwater for a therapeutic soak.

Guava leaves benefits for teeth

Guava leaves are packed with antibacterial compounds like tannins and eugenol. These compounds fight harmful bacteria in your mouth that can cause plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease. 

Gum inflammation is a major culprit behind painful gums and gingivitis. It can be soothed by the anti-inflammatory properties of guava leaves. Their astringent qualities also help tighten gum tissues, leading to firmer, healthier gums. 

Feeling the sting of a toothache? Guava leaves offer natural pain relief. Chewing on a fresh leaf releases its numbing properties, providing temporary relief from toothaches and sensitivity. 

Bad breath can also go away with guava leaves. Their antibacterial properties combat the bacteria responsible for unpleasant odors, leaving your breath feeling fresh.

You can brew them into a soothing mouthwash for daily use, crush them into a paste for natural toothpaste, or even chew on a fresh leaf for an on-the-go oral refresh.

While guava leaves offer remarkable benefits, they shouldn’t replace professional dental care. Regular checkups and cleanings are still essential for good oral health.

health benefits of guava fruit infographic
Infographic: Summary of Guava Fruit Health Benefits

Guava benefits for diabetes

Guavas helps with diabetes management. They offer a sweet solution without the dreaded blood sugar spikes.

They offer a combination of low glycemic index, high fiber content, and essential vitamins.

Low glycemic index: Guavas release sugar slowly unlike sugary treats that send blood sugar levels soaring. This prevents harmful spikes and crashes, helping maintain stable blood sugar which is a crucial element in managing diabetes.

Fiber fiesta: Guavas are packed with dietary fiber that slows down the absorption of sugars in your gut, further keeping blood sugar levels in check. Fiber also promotes satiety, preventing you from reaching for sugary snacks throughout the day.

Guava is good for skin

Guava offers benefits for the skin due to antioxidants, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Think brighter, firmer skin with fewer fine lines and wrinkles, that’s what antioxidants do for you. Guavas keep your skin plump and dewy, giving you that healthy, radiant look. They reduce redness, prevent skin from sagging, diminish fine lines, and lessen the effects of sun damage. 

Boosts your immunity

Guava’s antioxidant properties shield your cells from damage, keeping your immune system strong.

It is loaded with vitamins, mainly vitamin C, and fiber that are good for your gut and immune system. So blend it into smoothies, dice it into salads, or brew a warm guava leaf tea. A balanced lifestyle is key, but adding a touch of guava is a delicious way to keep your immune system healthy.

Keeps your heart healthy

Dietary fiber in guava acts like a broom, sweeping away bad cholesterol (LDL) and keeping your arteries clog-free. Guavas contain potassium and sodium that work together to balance electrolytes, preventing fluid buildup and keeping your blood pressure in check. It’s like a tiny regulator ensuring your cardiovascular system runs smoothly.

Free radicals contribute to heart disease. Guavas contain potent antioxidants that act as shields, neutralizing these free radicals and protecting your heart from harm. 

Guavas also contains essential vitamins like vitamin C, folate, and copper which are crucial for promoting cardiovascular health. These nutrients strengthen your heart muscles, improve blood flow, and even play a role in preventing blood clots.

Guava Is Good For Your Eye Health

Guavas contain nutrients that keep your vision sharp and protect your eyes from harm.

They contain vitamin A which is known for its vision-friendly properties. It ensures good sight and prevents age-related macular degeneration. This means you can get rid of blurry spots and get a clear view with a regular intake of such nutrients. 

Antioxidants in guavas shield your eyes from free radical damage that contributes to eye-related problems, such as cataracts. Vitamin C in guavas boosts collagen production for strong and healthy eyes.

Guavas also contain powerful eye-specific antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin. They filter out harmful blue light and protect your retina, ensuring clear and healthy vision.

Combats stress

Guavas contain the ultimate chill-out mineral, magnesium. It calms your nervous system and eases muscle tension. Vitamin C present in guava, helps your body manage stress by boosting cortisol, the hormone that activates anti stress and anti-inflammatory pathways.

Guava Tea Benefits

For an extra digestive boost, brew guava leaves into a tea. Simply simmer a few leaves in hot water for 10-15 minutes, strain, and enjoy a warm, soothing cup of gut-friendly goodness. 

This vibrant infusion isn’t just delicious, it contains benefits waiting to be sipped. Here are some key benefits of guava tea:

Immunity Booster: Feeling under the weather? Guava tea is loaded with vitamin C which boosts your immune system. 

Detox Delight: Feeling sluggish? Guava tea acts like a gentle internal brush, cleansing your system of toxins and waste. The natural diuretic properties help flush out built-up nasties, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Digestion Duo: Tummy troubles? Guava tea’s anti-inflammatory properties soothe irritated stomachs and ease indigestion. The tannins act like astringents, tightening tissues and regulating gut health. 

Blood Sugar Balance: Worried about spikes and crashes? Guava tea’s low glycemic index keeps your blood sugar levels steady, preventing those dreaded energy dips and sugar cravings. Enjoy a warm cup after a meal and embrace balanced energy throughout the day.

Beyond Benefits: The sweet, floral aroma and subtle tangy flavor of this tea are a delight for the senses. Savoring a cup can be a moment of mindfulness, a mini-escape from the daily grind.

Guava Juice Nutrition Fact

Guava juice comes packed with benefits, such as:  

Light on Calories, Big on Flavor: At around 68 calories per cup, guava juice is a guilt-free way to quench your thirst.

Rich in Vitamin C: One glass of this juicy offers more than 100% of your daily Vitamin C. This vitamin helps you fight off colds, keeps your skin glowing, and even makes your joints healthy. Due to vitamin C, guava juice has immense benefits for the skin.

Energy Booster: Guava juice gives you an energy boost with its impressive potassium content. This energizer mineral helps your muscles work well, keeps your blood pressure in check, and helps you recover after exercise.

Antioxidant Army: Guava juice comes loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals to protect your cells.Essential Nutrients: Guava juice has other nutrients like vitamin A, folate, and copper, each playing its part in keeping your body healthy.


Guava has a lot of benefits for your body and mind. From its sweet, juicy flesh to its vibrant leaves, each element offers vitamins, antioxidants, and essential minerals. Whether you enjoy it fresh, blended, brewed, or juiced, guavas stand ready to boost your immune system, protect your heart and eyes, calm your anxieties, and even nourish your skin from within. So, add it to your diet, and experience the benefits for your overall well-being.


How many guava can I eat a day?

Guavas are a healthy fruit but moderation is key. Generally, 1-2 medium-sized guavas per day is considered a safe and beneficial amount. However, it varies from person to person.

What is the best time to eat guava?

Enjoy them anytime – morning kickstart, afternoon perk-up, post-workout reward, or guilt-free snack. Just avoid late-night munching and pair them with other healthy friends for nutritional value.

Is it OK to eat guava before bed?

Eating guavas late at night might not be the best idea. Their natural sugars and fiber can stimulate digestion and disrupt sleep. Go for lighter foods before bed.



