natural ways to treat insulin resistance

7 Effective And Natural Ways To Treat Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance can be caused by several different factors, but the result is the same: your body doesn’t respond as well to insulin as it should. This increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and other related health issues. Moreover, if you’re overweight or have certain health problems, the risk of developing insulin resistance increases several folds. So it’s important to learn more about how to treat insulin resistance naturally and prevent diabetes type II. Keep reading to uncover these 7 valuable tips.

How to treat insulin resistance naturally
Ways to control insulin resistance

What is Diabetes and What Are Its Different Types?

Before diving into the topic it is important to establish what Insulin resistance is and how it’s linked to diabetes. I’m sure you must have heard the word diabetes whispered, like a curse, several times. But what is this monstrous disease that’s affecting a huge population? Diabetes, by definition, is the inability of the body to respond to changes in blood glucose levels.

Normally, when you eat, your body breaks down those products and releases glucose into the bloodstream. This glucose is then taken up by different organs and tissues, under the influence of a hormone called insulin. However, in diabetes, the blood glucose is not absorbed by target tissues resulting in hyperglycemia, which means increased blood glucose levels. This defect can either be due to the body’s inability to synthesize insulin (Type 1 diabetes) or due to resistance in cells against insulin (Type 2 diabetes), thus even when insulin is released, the body fails to respond to it.

1. Get Proper Sleep

Getting more sleep is important not just for growth and body development, but also to improve your immune system and fight the antibodies responsible for insulin resistance. Moreover, when we are sleep deprived, our cortisol levels increase and this can lead to insulin resistance. If you want to treat your insulin resistance naturally, make sure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

2. Cut Down on Carbs and Sugars

Carbs and sugars are the enemies when it comes to insulin resistance. They are the main source of glucose in your body, hence increasing their intake also increases blood glucose levels and in return stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas. The repetitive action of high blood glucose and then high insulin levels to counter it, ultimately lead to tissues developing resistance against the insulin hormone.

Having said that, carbs are also the biggest source of energy in your body thus instead of completely removing them from your diet, we suggest cutting them down to basal levels.

3. Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are high in sugars and refined flours that cause spikes in blood sugar. As previously mentioned, these carbs can lead to insulin resistance. Instead, focus on eating whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. These types of food have a lower glycemic index which won’t cause the same fluctuations in your blood sugar levels.

4. Avoid Unnecessary Stress

5. Do More Exercise To Reverse Insulin Resistance

Exercise is one of the best natural ways to treat insulin resistance. It can reduce your risk of developing type II diabetes, and can also help you better manage diabetes if you already have it. Here are some things that exercise does:

6. Eat More Fiber

7. Add Nut Flours To Your Diet


Q1) Can you reverse insulin resistance?

Once developed, insulin resistance can be controlled but it cannot be reversed. For control, it is recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle, focus on weight management, decrease intake of food with high glycemic value, and monitor blood glucose levels.

Q2) What is the best supplement for insulin resistance?

Promising supplements linked to increased insulin sensitivity include chromium, magnesium, berberine, and resveratrol. However, it is not advised to take any of these without consulting your physician.

Q3) What are the symptoms of insulin resistance?

High insulin resistance leads to three most common symptoms:

1) Polydipsia (increased thirst)

2) Polyuria (frequent urge to urinate)

3) Polyphagia (an increase in appetite)

Q4) Does coffee spike insulin?


Insulin resistance can severely limit your quality of life. Living with it can feel like fighting a never-ending battle in which you always seem to be the loser. Fortunately, there are multiple natural ways to treat insulin resistance effectively, such as the ones mentioned above. You can cure this health condition before it beats you. Take control of your life again by making these changes to your lifestyle today! In case of further help, consult your doctor and incorporate supplements into your daily life.


